![]() 05/12/2020 at 20:59 • Filed to: question time, the covid | ![]() | ![]() |
So this is mainly for my benefit but I wanted to get a sense of where people are at. I’ m struggling with my family, friends and neighbors because I’m in the rule following camp but seems like I’m the only one who is. T he general consensuses a firm “I’ m tired of rules, it doesn’t seem to matter ” which of course means my family is visiting each other, and planning vacations together and is generally ignoring the idea of social distancing. N ot just them, but my whole neighborhood has kids pretty much back to regular play which of course makes me the bad guy for not letting mine. I’ m certainly starting to get flak from all directions including my wife and I’ m starting to wonder if I’ m the only one . Our current state rules is groups no bigger than 20, masks in public, 6 feet, special rules for at risk groups (over 60, health conditions, etc). Seems like pretty relaxed rules compared to some places but because we didn’t see a strong surge in cases people are under the impression that this much ado about nothing. So where are you at? What are your feelings about where you are at? Hating it, and ready to give it all up?
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Either kinja or iPhones (or both) suck. I can’t get to the survey. =\
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I’m so glad I scrolled to the end. None of the other choices suited me.
My wife and daughter are huge rule followers. My wife breaks out in hives at the thought of not following a rule from a recognized authority. I have a contrary streak, but I follow rules gladly when I know the rationale behind them. For instance, you may have noticed I am absolutely rigid about following traffic laws on bicycles, because I know why they are important.
I am also following the rules Dallas County has laid down for this lockdown. And, in fact, I get annoyed by people following the letter but not the spirit. Masks falling down of the nose, for instance, annoy me.
I will say, I ran out to the grocery store last week and forgot my mask at home. We don’t have fines for not observing the mask rule, and no one tried to make me feel bad. Even though I kept my distance and did everything needed to to be safe, I felt bad being there because there is a kind of social contract in place. A mask doesn’t protect me much at all, but it’s a symbol that I care about the well being and peace of mind of those around me.
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complying to the best I can. this virus doesn’t care how much of an impatient little pissbaby you are. You can sit there and bellow about “MAH RAIGHTS” all you want, but your rights don’t allow you to harm other people.
I’m basically about to the point where I think the United States is a diseased, unsalvageable culture. we lie to ourselves about what “rugged individualists” we all are, we think experts are people to be distrusted, and conspiracy theories are to be believed solely because they contradict the “official line.” And we believe all of that because the Boomers grew up in a world where we came out of WWII completely unscathed and into a booming economy, and they still think the world is like that. Well, it ain’t. The rest of the world caught up and is passing us by.
We don’t deserve to go on as a society and the sooner we all die off, the better. I still have artifacts from my grandparents, like the ration books they had from WWII. they put up with YEARS of rationing. We can’t even handle not getting a haircut or going to a restaurant to stuff our fat stupid faces for a few weeks without throwing a temper tantrum.
and the funny thing is the people throwing the biggest hissy fits right now are the fat useless boomer and gen X morons who sit on their fat asses and call millennials “snowflakes.”
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I put voluntary. TX is...just ugh . We have rules and yet hardly anyone is following them. People here are out and about and never really stopped. No masks, no cares about it. Bitch about long restaurant lines.
Wife and I are WFH - she is all the time anyways, but I have been since late March. Fortunately we’re on the same page and we’ve talked about how that’s been a good thing - I can’t imagine being on opposite ends of the spectrum on this . Sorry. :/
We don’t leave the house besides exercising . Kid barely gets out. We Instacart (big tips!), Amazon, or Petsmart deliver everything. No family super close, but she’s never missed Easter or Mother’s Day w/them so it’s been hard on her . Our yearly big vacation got cancelled (flight cancellation ) and we’ve been working through refunds for everything else related to it. Her family is whatever about it , mine is on lockdown except my BIL that works in a hospital.
Sucks to stay in but why risk it. We don’t want to kill any of our relatives (or other people’s). I also love endurance sports and the data coming out about possible permanent damage to organs I’m not taking lightly. We have masks for the the inevitability of leaving the house. I’m not excited about the prospect of that. Going to take a long time to become comfortable for us with office life (me), let alone restaurants, travel, etc.
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The only people I want to visit are my parents and they are in their 70’s so that’s a no go. I know we are suffering from lack of social interaction. I’ve met up with friends for bike rides and skiing but we are traveling separate and we usually don’t exchange bodily fluids during these activities. My kids are home and don’t go outside much unless forced anyway.
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We’re at risk, kinda? Maybe? I have two autoimmune diseases, so we know my immune system reacts inappropriately. So it’s not worth the risk. My county is averaging ten deaths a day. So, we have not left the house, really. Groceries delivered, both our jobs are mandatory work from home at the moment. Neighborhood is staying the course. No groups of kids playing. Getting sick of it, of course. But staying the course, for our health and for others.
Edit: we also realize the privilege we have that our jobs are full work at home. It's tough that schools are remote to next year. Accounting for home schooling the kids without access to parks/library's/etc while accounting for a combined 80 hours of work each week is a special sort of hell. But the family is together and healthy, and not only are we still getting paychecks were coming out way ahead with the younger one's daycare check coming off the books and my commute costs at zero. So, I can say we're staying the course, because it's financially easy for us to do so.
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All points aside, “completely unscathed” is a bit aloof with regards to the sacrifices that were made by Americans during WWII, no? Just because enemy boots didn’t hit our soil doesn’t mean that everything was just peachy keen.
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Boomers are people who were born AFTER WWII. try again.
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I’m currently at cautious normality. When I go to the grocery store I still wear my p100 mask and gloves (I’d say only 1/3 people are wearing face coverings locally).
At the height of lock
in Mar
I was on the moto
every 2nd
sunny day
I felt like I wasn’t going to come into close
contact with anyone
(and I wear full race gear anyways
. It was awesome, there was like 80% reduction of traffic so I had
fun ripping around mostly empty roads and highways
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I wish I didn't agree with this as much as I do, but I do
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any way to facetime or have them see you outside?
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I’m basically a socially-awkward hermit naturally, so staying inside by myself is fairly easy to do on its own. Not wanting to catch the virus nor contribute to its spread is just another reason to abide by the social distancing guidelines.
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As a Gen Xer myself, I wholeheartedly concur with this (we’re following the rules and are being even more conservative than the rules state- wife is a doctor)
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My wife and I have been playing by the rules, suggested or otherwise for NC. We are lucky to be able to work from home with flexible schedules allowing essential errands to be done at non-peak hours. Masks, hand sanitizer and social distancing are all part of our outings. I’m not that concerned about either us catching this thing so much as I am about us inadvertently passing it along.
Super ready to hug loved ones and shake folks’ hands again though. I get why people are over it all and want to act like everything is normal again, I just don’t believe that it is that easy.
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We are very much in the middle.
I got behind the flatten the curve argument but it seems to have changed to save everyone.
The I have the moral high ground argument by both sides is wrong. It is a complicated issue and it is not a binary decision. The attitude of doing anything to save even one person is wrong not just for this disease but as any kind of policy. Risks are naturally assumed. Motorcycles are dangerous removing them would save lives maybe not your own but it is for the good of society as a whole. T urn them in by next week. Having a breathalyzer built into every car and limiting them to 100 horsepower would also save lives. We don't do this because it is not worth it even though it is much smaller sacrifice. Those policies assuming they are permanent would save more lives than if we were in lockdown for 3 years. Soundbites on both sides insult the public.
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the sad thing is Donald Trump is neither “liberal” or “conservative.” all he cares about is “do people love me, Donald Trump?” but he’s gaslit people into thinking he truly cares about them.
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Wearing a mask is a pain in the ass. It sucks. You know what else would suck? Having my mom die because somebody else didn’t wear one. So I’ll wear one and deal with it, like a big boy.
By the time we get a workable vaccine, the thing will have mutated into something even worse. It’s not going away and it’s going to be a complete shitshow when all the no-mask rebels start coming down with it.
Also, am I doing this right?
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The state and federal government’s in Oz came together, made some generally consistent rules, crafted some coherent messaging and asked people to play along. In general, that’s what people did (including us) and are still doing.
We are still under some reasonably restrictive rules but we are into a coherent and well telegraphed reopening plan so there is a clear path out. Most people seem to understand and accept the risks and are playing along...
To date, there’s been less than 8000 cases (of which roughly 700 remain active) and just 98 deaths. And now we have a population and a system that is primed and conditioned to try to keep a lid on things as restrictions are lifted over the next 12 to 18 months...
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We feel like the weirdos, too. My son isn’t playing with his friends, and he’s been very good not to complain when he sees them all out playing together. I have neighbors that a re very much “we’re gonna get it anyway, so who cares” and those that we haven’t seen outside their homes in a couple of months.
We’re rule followers, and have been following the rules. We have a county nearby that’s decided to make the national news, and state senators calling our governor a Nazi, and another county across the highway from us that’s blatantly thumbed their nose at the state rules, too.
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I’m at the point where sucking on the loud end of a 12 gauge seems to be my best option.
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Lockdown still in effect here, though not as strict as a lot of places. That being said, I’m pretty much
staying at home other than getting groceries, or taking my car for 10-15 minute drives here and there to give it exercise from sitting because that is what we are being told to do.
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I am on doctor-ordered lockdown due to having an immune-comprimised sister.
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e also just cares about his money.
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That is never the best option. If you legitimately mean that, you might want to talk to somebody :(
There’s always the option to try and emigrate as well?
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I grew up in New York in the 80s and 90s. He's a con man, through and through, and if you think he's your con man, than you're the mark
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Exactly, the boomer generation came out unscathed but you stated that “we came out unscathed”. I see your intent in your wording now but my initial read took it in more broad terms. No fight here, just trying to make sure people don’t forget that we, as humans, got together and rightfully kicked some evil in the ass once. Maybe we could do it for a virus. ¯\_()_/¯
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nope. nobody will miss me.
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Maybe we could do it for a virus . ¯\_()_/¯
nope. because these feral swine think “barber shops and golf courses are closed” is akin to Nazi Germany. Fuck them.
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I would turn it around the other way to speed up the Darwinism a bit personally. But in reality, there’s a lot of rule followers around me. The only group that doesn’t get it is teenagers - which doesn’t surprise me.
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“teenagers” are #1 on the list of reasons I don’t and won’t have kids.
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I’m like you, I’m following the rules and then some to protect myself and others but none of my friends are so I’m only talking to them on Xbox. I live with my dad and stepmom and they are following some of the rules but not others so I’m distancing from them (although I was already doing that for other reasons). I don’t like even taking walks around my house because no one is wearing masks. I saw a pregnant woman out today with no mask going by strangers on the sidewalk. I haven’t seen a single person wear a mask in my neighborhood since this started. It seems like I’m the only one. It’s better in stores like 20 minutes from were I live but even there people aren’t all wearing masks or keeping 6 feet away. I’m scared of them too because they seem like the dangerous ones who don’t like people like me who follow the rules and would be protesting with guns or spitting on people.
I don’t like being in lockdown but I want to live and I want the people I care about and everyone else to as well. I know people who have had family die because of it and don’t want to have that happen to me.
I’m in Michigan and many people hate our governor for enforcing rules. We’ve had protesters with guns and nazis and r ascists in our capital building.
I don’t understand the people who are against safety. People are fucking dying and it’s to protect people. Nobody wants this, but it’s what we need to do to save lives. Also science shouldn’t be a political issue it’s science. You can’t just will this away, we need everyone to get behind what we know can help.
I see a lot of narcissism and selfishness and stupidity. We can’t half ass this. We need to do this right and as a country the US has been fucking this up from the beginning and not getting it right at a national or in many cases state level. You know things are bad in our system when some big companies are taking more steps to protect there employees with things like pushing back when to come back to work than our own government. Or when reports from the CDC on safely reopening get shelved. I think we’re opening way to early as a country and that’s going to hurt everyone. Honestly, I think we’re fucked. I think many people are too selfish to do the right thing and on a national government level there’s no hope in sight with Trump and McConnell in charge. They skate away on everything they’ve done wrong. I hope change comes in November but honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if this country puts him in charge again.
We’re supposed to protect the general welfare not kill people for money but that’s nothing new in America either.
But there are good people out there. T he healthcare workers, people following the rules . People keeping food available, everyone doing there part. The people in my future field of Public Health. We can’t give up all hope. We can get through this, we just need to do the right things. So I’m with you. I’ll keep following the rules and doing what is right for everyone even if they won’t do that for me. I think that’s the right thing to do and that’s what I want.
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Well, yeah, angry people spit-yelling at people from a foot away during this are not the protagonists . Sorry to step on your toes with my original comment though.
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Figuring out ways to keep the kiddo active and engaged with the world outside a little screen has been a challenge. I’ve been moderately successful.
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I can’t afford to get sick, and I’m terrified of getting really sick since I live on my own. Recovering from a broken back was bad enough with no help.
That said, I’m working while wearing a mask when the opportunity arises. I inspected a dealership in Arizona last week and I’m pretty sure I was the only person in the city wearing a mask.
I also was out riding my bike earlier and passed a teen girls’ soccer team having practice, so obviously there’s a giant group of people in CO who just do not give two shits. There’s cautiously visiting your friends and then there’s gathering a group of several dozen folks and having them breathe deep, wheezy air all over each other for a few hours. So yeah, pretty sure cases here aren’t going to subside for a bit.
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I’m essential, I travel around the state and am around people all of the time. I just wash my hands like I always have. My coworkers have done the same, and we’ve all been fine.
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There is one other family that has been completely social distancing like mine and we actually visited them in their home (carefully of course) since we really were about to crack from no social interaction. I have also seen several carefully distanced lawn parties. Some small low risk gatherings among people you trust to actually social distance seems OK at this point where restaurants have been open over a week and there isn’t a massive new wave of G eorgians.
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I have to say for myself, I’ve been back to work for 4 weeks now my life has mostly been normal cautious since I wake up early to drive to work for over an hour. Then I enter one our 5 office trailers that have been setup as covid check points where I have to wait 3 minutes then the security guard checks our temperature with a thermal camera And asked us 7-8 questions. I then Work for 8 hours while Everyone tries to keep our distances. And we must wash our work environment at the end of our shifts/workdays. We can only be more than one in a pickup if it has been now equipped with plexiglass glass divider. But I work mostly behind my 4 monitors in my cubical.
I then drive back home to my wife and 4 kids. Our kids are 11, 6, 4 and 2 so let’s say were already busy at home.
At home we are the voluntary lockdown follow the rules family, while my wife’s 3 brothers and parents Have been the I’m not sick so we can visit each other....
The Quebec government opened our elementary schools yesterday, but allowed families to keep their children at home, as we did. Stores have started to open a bit more too.
So basically for my self life hasn’t really changed except for All the hand washing/ hand sanitizer every where.
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You know you are right and many others are in the same or worse situations with regards to their very immediate relations. No plan survives first contact.
Rigid rules in a fluid situation are not what has put Germany up as a leading light for their ability to fight this virus . Adapting of very rigid rules of conduct to meet every situation inside every person is what did. It is a bility to accept even what one doesn’t understand being relayed from a high place with urgency . Emergency means emergency! Even when that means hurry up and wait. Knowing who is a loudmouth declaring their own all clear and who is announcing something loudly is as much common sense as understanding of the above.
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This whole thing has just revealed America’s attention span: roughly as long as a 30 advertisement or Tik Tok video or whatever “normal” people do with their time. I’m sick to death of it. I swear people have become as superficial as the social media they consume without thought.
I don’t think I’ve seen one person yield before I do to cross the street when out walking my dog and I’ve only seen a few properly social distanced gatherings. I have a very fragile and weak immune system so I have to be so so so careful even before all this started just to avoid like a normal Flu or whatever. The Coronavirus would be far more serious and everyone else in my family is just as high risk. I stay at home because I’m doing my part and making sacrifices, but meanwhile these people who seem to have no concept of the fragility of their life and how they take it for granted (something my health has constantly reminded me of) seem to be able to dine in restaurants without masks and just live it up. It’s hard to stay in but I’m here and I can’t take much more of this crappy senior year (yes, like HS).
Of course the government also has to deal with said incompetent populace when designing rules people will actually follow but no one seems to have a basic understanding of our fragile position here or even a desire to learn or just listen . Somehow protecting lives is being turned into a political issue but it should be a human issue , one that can unify us even when we are apart.
This whole terrible year has just gotten to me; but I’m thankful every day because I have a secure place to stay and my family hasn’t been significantly impacted while other people have it so much worse. I’ve continued praying for you especially, trying to deal with that terrible day to day situation. Has that nasty cough (was that it?) gone away?
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I never got a cough but I seem to be through it. I was tested two weeks in for COVID and tested negative but my allergist and asthma doctor think I could still have had based on symptoms and that it took so long to get tested. I had all of the symptoms but fever and cough.
I agree with your response. It is a human issue not a political one. I wish that was more important for everyone than it is for many.
I really hope you and your family stay safe. I’m a public health major in college and want to fight for people like you and I when I graduate. I hope we both stay safe and as healthy as possible. I’m sorry the year has gotten to you, it’s gotten to me too. We can get through this. Also I’m sorry about it affecting your senior year of High School. I don’t know what they are doing near you but congratulations for when you graduate!
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We are talking almost every other day and we had a nice visit in February. Soon!
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We are making them go on forced marches and bike rides!
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The teenagers I know are usually 10x better people than a lot of the adults around them.
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My wife has lost two great-uncles to COVID. They were in the nursing home in south Texas that made the news for being a hotbed. One great-aunt survived, but is still at risk.
Many of her family are elderly and at-risk. We live in a state full of idiots who can’t wear masks properly, can’t stay away from each other, and can’t wait for the order to be lifted. The idiots across the street have had large gatherings every weekend since this started.
Our daughter is supposed to go to college in the fall. The school hasn’t decided how they are going to hold classes, so we don’t know if she will be attending online and living at home or if she will be putting herself at risk and moving away.
For now, our little family unit is doing our best to stay safe by staying home, only going out for essentials, and wearing masks and keeping our distance when we have to go out. Most of our essentials are delivered. My wife is the queen of caution and everything gets disinfected before it comes in the house. I short, we’re doing what we can and trying to avoid getting sick. We fully expect another spike in infections in a few weeks as things start opening up again.
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Furloughed here. UI has been keeping the bills paid. I posted I am blessed after the money came through, but really I am blessed by being surrounded with just the best neighbors (been here since '96) some are furloughed too, some retired, some already worked all or mostly from home..I have my kids and a community I love
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Thank you. I appreciate the kind and thoughtful responses you have shown whenever we have spoken. I just have one AP exam that I will find not difficult and then I’m free to do. . . something until I start college early short summer term online (Ga Zell Miller scholarship is a full ride in state !). I’m thinking food delivery because I’m running low on cash but I’ve got to stay away from people.
I am glad that thoughtful people like you are concentrating their efforts on public health. BTW you said you have an Xbox. Perhaps one day I would love to play online and maybe talk with you. TrickishHorse33 on Xbox live for the Xbox One.
We’ll eventually get through this, but it shows a too uncommon fortitude to be able to weather these circumstances and maintain social distancing, it seems.
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Hey, in all seriousness, there’s a decent sized blog of car idiots here who feels differently. Shit is bad now, no one is denying that. I really hope you’re not serious, and this is coming out odd online, but suicide prevention.org.
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This is just a picture obviously. But that might help.
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Im a rule follower generally speaking, especially when they are logical. As a logical person to a fault I’ve seen the data on what cooperating can do. Tr affic moves faster, curves get flattened, overhead is less, etc.
The thing that gets under my skin is the “yeah but im special” types. You know the ones that cut into the “turn only” lane at the last second bypassing everyone else in line. the general “rules are for everyone else” type.
maybe Im a little too close to the rules but being that my job is to communicate healthcare news about this issue I don’t know how I can be anything else.
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We had a hospitalist that volunteered to go to NY and help there on my facebook live that I run today. He was very clear that social distancing was never meant to be isolation, and that the marketing around stay home stay safe was counter productive. it makes people go nuts. meet at a park (safely and at a distance) go on road trips together...in separate cars with no shared items. physically distance is safe, it doesn’t need to be all or nothing.
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this has been challenging. My youngest is turning into the “but why try reality when virtual reality is so much better”
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I think one of the things thats not being clearly communicated (at least where I am) is that these pre cautions are a defense for the defenseless. I think people have this idea that the cure is worse than the disease...well yeah for you it probably is, but you are also liable to kill someone with a fair level of directness by an omission of action. Thats worse than taking a few relatively basic precautions.
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I also saw a soccer practice tonight while out on a walk. do rules mean nothing?
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I have a coworker who does forced marches with her five children. I like to imagine the von Trapp children trudging over the Alps, but every morning.
I’ve been getting my daughter to go on “bike exploration” trips. We look at houses and cars to keep it fun. I’ve posted about some of them. It’s work though, because the draw of YouTube and Netflix is strong. I’m not giving in. My wife and I are working on a plan for Summer. There will be physical activity. It’s more important for mental health than the kids realize.
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hey, I would. I like the JimZ banter.
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Mine gets surly and difficult if I let her have screens too long. There’s something poisonous about screens.
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Do you think heading into winter has any effect? Its just starting to get lovely here in the states and I think spring fever is compounding this big time.
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we’re gonna get it anyway, so who cares...
man where to go with this. I think people see two possible outcomes. We live inside our homes forever, or we get it over with and let heard immunity kick in, deaths be damned...it will only kill the unhealthy anyway
the actual choice is that we can all adapt to new conditions and ride it out for a few years of mostly normal life and modest risk ...or we can be constantly bouncing in and out of “red” conditions that limit us severely and tax the health system so that otherwise health people might suffer and die.
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Im also essential and I go to work everyday, but I am wearing a mask in groups and in public , keeping distant and I clean the every loving hell out of that studio before and after someone is in there.
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While I don’t follow your risk examples I do think that people are starting to come around to the idea that COVID might not be the only killer from this situation and figuring out a balance. The reality at this point is a balanced approach that doesn’t put people at risk unnecessarily and keeps resources from being stretched to unmanageable levels. its possible to have a mostly functioning society AND slow the spread of a disease.
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ditto, they get grouchy. I’ve found with my kids if I set a time when the shows are over and they chose to put them away its not as bad. Its when you let them go free and they’ve watched a whole season of crime solving puppies things get ugly
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that left turn onto big cottonwood canyon is some shit to wait in the line. im glad the busses dont wait in the lines and follow the rules. Surprised I dont see more chaos there.
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It’s not much of a true lockdown here, but I am doing what I can - not meeting with friends, limiting trips mostly to the store or for battery maintenance, resigning myself to wearing a mask at the store, etc. When getting out to exercise, giving people a wider berth. I can also cut my own hair, and have never been too big on eating out, so I am maybe less annoyed than others. It’s not fun, but it if means one less person is at risk, it’s the least I can do.
I do kind of miss the gym, definitely miss skating and my rec hockey team, and having a couple interesting jobs I had my eye on be closed without being filled doesn’t make me happy, but maybe if everyone does just a little, that will all return sooner than later, too.
Maybe most annoying has been some inconsistency in what was ordered closed - I just hope that for once in modern American economic history, those truly impacted receive real help and are able to recover.
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Our autumn to date has been basically lovely...even for those unfortunate people who live in our cities. There were more than a few occasions when beaches were mobbed (so they were closed!). Plenty of people have been outside...perhaps more than ever but they are generally doing it individually and responsibly. Even my riding buddies who are all in their sixties or older have adjusted their bunch riding techniques!!
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L ife hasn’t changed too much for me. Mrs. Snuze and I aren’t super social - well, I am, but most of my friends live an hour or more away so it’s not like we were doing regular meetups before all this. The Mrs. and I do date night ever Friday night, but that’s just turned into carryout instead of going to the restaurant . Aside from that we never went out much anyways. We’ve shifted groceries from weekly to every other week.
We both work for the government and are both in the unique situation that we cannot work from home due to the nature of our work. She is immuno-compromised so she was told to just stay home, not worry about it, and they’ll call her once they can figure out how to safely get her in the office. I’m essential and have no such issue, so I’m still working. But well over half our people are work from home, so the office is a ghost town. And we have rules in place to wear masks outside our cubicles, etc. I don’t feel unsafe at work. Most fortunately, we are both still getting paid.
My folks are in their late 60's and are terrified of this, so we haven’t been seeing each other, and that’s probably been the hardest part. I used to coach every S unday night near their place so I’d go see them after practice and have dinner with them. We haven’t seen my in-laws since all this started either.
My neighborhood, however, is a different story. Kids are all running around playing together... those nasty little disease vectors. The adults are somewhat more careful, but I see people slipping up constantly. Of course that’s all moot if your kids get it and bring it home to you. We’ve had some “ social distance parties” - everyone brings out lawn chairs and we make a giant circle in someone’s yard and have some beers and shoot the breeze, but those have now basically turned into normal parties, so I’ve stopped participating. Oddly, I live like 10 miles from Cash Rewards and as he mentioned his area’s been hit hard with this, we’ve had basically nothing. So I think everyone in my neighborhood feels like it’s past, nothing bad is going to happen, if I haven’t got it yet I’m not gonna get it, etc. Which is a very dangerous mentality.
For what it’s worth, I get the “muh freedumbs, muh raights!” people - it’s our civic duty to keep the government in check. And I do think some governments/agencies, certain states or counties, or whatever, have probably overstepped. But that doesn’t mean the disease isn’t real, or no longer a risk. One can be concerned about government overreach and still wear a mask and wash their hands and take precautions to protect friends, family, and community.
The problem with something like this is there was no plan in place, because we’ve never really thought about it as a society. So some places overreacted, and some underreacted, but those 2 things don’t balance out. Rural bumpkin towns, isolated c o mmunites, were/are probably find to conduct business mostly as usual, with a few extra precautions (limit # of people, wear a mask). Dense urban environments need to be on full lockdown. But application of rules to specific situations doesn’t seem to be anyone’s strong suit since we live in a time & place where lack of common sense prevails.
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It’s hard for some people to grasp that it’s not all about you. Sure, I’d love for my son to still have his hockey camps and other fun things to do this summer. It’d be great to go to concerts, go grab a beer at the bar, etc. My wife works in health care (not in a clinical sense) , she gets the daily briefings, sees the bed counts, hospitalization rates, etc.
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I feel like we need to take it seriously, but we cannot continue to have the world shut down completely. That is unsustainable. We need to be opening up little by little, in smart ways.
I feel like my state is doing a decent job of this (which is surprising, because Illinois sucks at most things). Retail stores are all open. If they’re “none-essential, ” they’re open for cur bside pickup now. R estaurants have been doing pretty steady curbside pickup/delivery sales.
I’m worried about my wife’s mental health. I have been going out to get things, going to school to make masks and ear guards. I have been doing things (with my mask on in public). She has interacted with precisely four other adults in the last two months. My kids too, and literally begging to, “Go somewhere that isn’t a parking lot.”
The saddest sight of all for me, has been all the closed down playgrounds.
![]() 05/13/2020 at 15:09 |
Congratulations on the scholarship! That’s awesome to get a full ride!
![]() 05/13/2020 at 15:13 |
Thank you. State sponsored full ride off the backs of poor people buying lottery tickets , Georgia style. It’s great that I got the highest tier of it, which makes in state college so much more affordable. Fortunately, my dream school is in state, so whooo hooo! Just finished up my last exam.